Invitation to be consulted on the Synod of Bishops

Every diocese in the world has been asked to consult on the Synthesis Report from the Synod’s First Session in October 2023. This will help the Vatican prepare for the Second and final Session this coming October. The focus of consultation is not on particular topics but rather on how to live synodality at all levels of the Church. Therefore, this consultation stage is not a repeat of previous reflections but rather a deepening of the First Session’s discernment.

Bishop Brian invites laity from across Argyll and the Isles to participate in an online meeting on Wednesday 13th March at 6.30pm. Our subsequent report will help form a national response which will be sent to the Vatican.


1. Propose three priorities for our diocese from the topics listed from the Synthesis report. They are: deepening the experience of synodality; deepening spiritual awareness of synodality and its call to mission; how people join the Church (children and adults); the poor; dialogue with wider society; ecumenism; bonds with the Oriental Catholic Churches; role of women; missionary endeavour; Religious Life and Lay Movements; ministry of deacons and priests; ministry of the bishop; ministry of the Pope; formation of all Christians; how the Church should discern open difficult questions; a Church that listens and accompanies people; mission in the digital world; structures that encourage more participation; the Church at national and continental level; gatherings of bishops and the wider Church membership.

Please also propose three concrete initiatives to implement from the various proposals in the Synthesis that can be applied immediately within our diocese. These include: encouragement of more clergy to participate in the synodal process; encourage the voice of the youth to be heard; use of Conversation in the Spirit; worthy celebration of the Mass; spiritual practices other than Mass including devotions; highlighting of Catholic Social Teaching; greater encounter by Catholics with the poor; better knowledge of Vatican II and recent Church Teaching; outreach to migrants and refugees; closer links with other Christians including in the synodal process; promotion of lay charisms and ministries; women to be involved in more Church governance, pastoral care and ministries; promotion of religious life and lay movements; assessment of diaconate; accountability of priests and bishops ministries; formation programmes for laity at local or national levels; welcoming those who feel excluded from the Church; promotion of the faith through social media; compulsory Diocesan and Parish Pastoral Councils.

2. Conversation in the Spirit’ was a method encouraged by the Synod for listening and discernment. How can we deepen our listening at parish and diocesan level?

3. How can we involve all the baptised more closely in the synod process (1.m) and how can we listen more to those on the periphery (16)? What concrete initiatives can be taken to listen to and consult the poor (4), migrants (5 and 6), young people and women (6)?

What concrete steps can be taken to listen to priests and invite them to participate in the synod experience (1.n +11)?

4. Identify two or three local good practices of synodality in your parish or the diocese.

5. Any other comments regarding the synodal process within our parishes, diocese or country?

To register for the consultation meeting on Wednesday 13th March at 6.30 pm please click on

If you wish to read the Synthesis Report click on this link Bishops-Synthesis-Report.