
Priesthood & Religious Life

“You wish to become priests, or at least you wish to discover if you are really called. To recognize if this is God’s desire for your life, love him with all your soul and all of your heart in such a way that this love becomes the standard and motive of all your actions. From this moment on, live the Eucharist fully; be persons for whom the Holy Mass, Communion, and Eucharistic adoration are the centre and summit of their whole life. Offer Christ your heart in meditation and personal prayer so that he truly does become the foundation of your life.”  Pope St John Paul II

Canon John Paul MacKinnon

If you are living  in the Diocese of Argyll and the Isles, you belong to one of the parishes and you would like to meet up to talk about God’s calling for your life, please contact:
Canon John Paul MacKinnon
Argyll and the Isles Director of Priestly Vocations
Email: castlebay@rcdai.org.uk
Phone: 01871 810267

Jesus challenged the rich young man and in him all of us with these daunting words: “Come, follow me” (Mt 19:21).  Jesus also reminds us: “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master; it is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher and the servant like his master” (Mt 10:24-25).  Following Jesus means becoming self-sacrificing love poured out for others.  It is only in this way that we can truly say with St. Paul, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Gal 2:20).

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A Q and A on Priesthood in Scotland

Fr Ryan Black of Paisley Diocese was ordained a priest in August 2020. Here, he answers some FAQs sent to him by the pupils of St Ninian’s High School in East Renfrewshire.

Ordination of Fr Ronald Campbell

Fr Ronald Campbell is currently serving as the priest on the Isle of Skye and is Chancellor of the diocese. He was ordained in Benbecula on the 9th of July 2019. Click below to watch his ordination.

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Fr Matthew Carlin's Vocations Story

Fr Matthew Carlin is from the parish of St Francis in Port Glasgow, in the Diocese of Paisley. In this video he speaks about what brought him to become a priest.

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The Call To The Priesthood - Fr. William Fraser

Canon William Fraser reflects on his life as a priest and what drew him to the priesthood.

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