Visit of the Relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux
This September the relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux visit Scotland and will be in our Cathedral of St Columba’s, Oban from Thursday 12th-Saturday 14th September.
Pope Pius X described St Thérèse as the most important saint of the modern era. Although aware of her limitations Thérèse was convinced that she could come close to God through confidence in His mercy, trust in His love, prayer and daily deeds of love in the concrete circumstances of her life. For Thérèse her ‘Little Way’ proved that everyone was called to holiness.
Saint Thérèse, through your Little Way
you made known God’s love in the world
by simple acts of kindness.
Pray for us, that like you,
and guided by Christ’s words,
we may never doubt our ability
to change the world,
through simple acts of kindness and
as missionaries of God’s love.
(Gaelic version)
A’ Naoimh Thérèse, tron aisir bhig agad,
chuir thu an cèill gràdh Dhé anns an t-saoghal
le gnìomhannan sìmplidh a’charthannais.
Guidh air ar son, los gum bitheamaid
air ar stiùireadh le faclan Chrìosda
agus, le d’eisimpleir far comhair,
cha bhi teagamh againn gu bheil comas againn
an saoghal atharrachadh
le gnìomhannan sìmplidh a’ charthannais
mar theachdairean gràdh Dhé. Amen.
The visit of Thérèse’s relics is an opportunity for us all to draw closer to God so please try and join us in our Cathedral. For more details see uk