The Risen Jesus celebrated with two disciples as they journeyed to Emmaus.
Every Sunday that same Risen Jesus calls us together in our local communities to be nourished by his Word and his Body and Blood
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, In today’s Gospel we listened to the account of the first Sunday Eucharist which the Risen Jesus celebrated with two disciples as they journeyed to Emmaus. Every Sunday that same Risen Jesus calls us together in our local communities to be nourished by his Word and his Body and Blood. What a great privilege for us and we should make every effort to participate. During Sunday Mass I was delighted to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation firstly in the parish of St Mary’s, Bornish (picture) and then St Michael’s, Ardkenneth on South Uist. Both were beautiful ceremonies and it is wonderful that another five young people have wanted to become full members of the Church. Come, Holy Spirit! +Brian