National Youth Pilgrimage to Iona

Argyll & the Isles WELCOMES young people from across Scotland!

Our Diocese is hosting this year’s National Youth Pilgrimage to Iona 9-10th Sept 2017. This is a Catholic Youth Service Scotland event.

In recent years we have taken young people from each diocese to different pilgrimage sites e.g. Nunraw, Haddington,  St Margaret’s Shrine, Dunfermline and last year we were nearly blown away on the beach at Whithorn!

This year’s national youth event will involve an overnight stay on Mull on Sat 9th Sept and then gathering on Iona on Sunday 10th along with 150-200 young people from across Scotland.

Bishop Brian, with the young people from Argyll & the Isles, will welcome the young people onto Iona, on Sunday.

Each diocese will be represented by a group of young people and their youth leaders and chaplains.

The event will include Holy Mass in the Abbey, prayers in the St Michael Chapel in front of the Blessed Sacrament, and a tour of the Abbey, and for the early birds there will be a walk to St Columba’s Bay, with Bishop Brian, and the Argyll Youth.

We hope that the young people of Scotland will enjoy the experience of pilgrimage as they journey to Iona and get a window into the incredible life of St Columba.

If you are interested please get in touch with your Diocesan Youth Worker or Coordinator.Archbishop Leo Cushley is very much looking forward to making his way with young people from across Scotland.


Archdiocese of Glasgow
Youth Officer: Kate Curran

Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh
Youth Ministry: Irene Furlong
Tel: 0131 623 8917

Diocese of Aberdeen
Diocese of Aberdeen CYSS Representative
Diocese of Aberdeen WYD Co-ordinator
Youth Co-Ordinator: Gaynoll Craig
Tel: 01479 831681 M: 07544020709

Diocese of Argyll & the Isles
Diocesan Youth Officer:Denise Roberts
T: 01838 200347

Diocese of Dunkeld
Diocesan Youth Officer: Frankie McGuire
Tel: 07706610543

Diocese of Galloway
Youth Officer & Chaplain: Fr Stephen McGrattan
Tel: 01563 521832

Diocese of Motherwell
Youth Development Worker
Young Adult Chaplain: Fr Martin Delaney
Tel: 01698 263045

Diocese of Paisley
Youth Director: Fr Frank Hannigan
Tel: 01505 320198