Diocesan discussion on the encyclical of Pope Francis Laudato Si

Dear brothers and sisters,

We are living in difficult times with war, poverty, injustice and climate emergency. In his prophetic encyclical Laudato Si Pope Francis insisted that these problems are interconnected. Furthermore he taught that loosing sight of God is a root cause. These are issues I find myself reflecting on a lot recently and perhaps you have been too.

Naturally, we are disturbed at so much suffering across the world. Nor should we be blind to the problems within our own area. Pope Francis asks us to reflect on this situation through eyes of faith and to make a positive response. I therefore invite people from across our Diocese to an online Meeting this Thursday, 24th March, at 7pm. Speakers will include laity from our diocese as well as a friend of mine, Bishop Martin Hayes, who coordinates the Irish response to Laudato Si. To register here is the link.us02web.zoom.us/…/tZEsdeGupz4jE9B23N4l8VFXEBz2H3Rwg1iD

May the Lord increasingly open our minds and hearts this Lent,
