Diocesan Consultation Meeting

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

I will be representing the Church in Scotland during the Synod of Bishops in Rome this October. I am very much aware that I am privileged – and have responsibility – to participate at such an important and unique event in the Church’s history. I want to prepare well through prayer and listening to you. A Working Document or Intrumentum laboris has been prepared for the Synod. I would like to hear your views on that text. I invite you to a Diocesan Consultation Meeting which will be held on Thursday 9th August by Zoom from 6.30-8pm. Our focus will be on Section B: A Communion that radiates although some time will be given for other sections too.

There is no need to register and the link for joining is https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81721291055?pwd=TE5GSi9ZeStJQ0REcHFmcHEzSFRQZz09

Best wishes,
