Deanery Retreat in Oban

The Cathedral Hall was the venue for the St. Andrew’s Deanery Retreat on 24 September 2016, led by Bishop Brian McGee. Some fifty parishioners from the parishes of the Deaneryoban-retreat-2 braved the weather (and the ferries) to take part in an inspiring day on the significance of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. In the first of two presentations Bishop Brian outlined the origins of the concept of Jubilee from ancient tioban-retreat-1mes to the present and explained the background to the Holy Father’s announcement of the Year of Mercy.

There was an opportunity for participants to enter through the Holy Door of the Jubilee Year in St. Columba’s Cathedral and to spend time in private prayer with an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In his second presentation Bishop Brian used a series of images to focus on the mercy of God as seen in the earthly ministry of Jesus. Inspired by the power of the gospel message, participants returned to the Cathedral for a time of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

The day ended with the Vigil Mass of Sunday followed by a shared meal prepared by Elizabeth and Helena.
