Bishop Brian’s Message for Sunday of the Word of God

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today has been designated by Pope Francis as Sunday of the Word of God. When the Year of Mercy was coming to an end, the Holy Father wanted to reinforce the importance of reflecting, praying, and studying the Scriptures. The Bible is God’s Word. God is Love, God is Mercy. He reveals himself through the Scriptures. We can deepen our appreciation of God’s Word during Mass as we listen to the Bible passages and the homily which should (hopefully!) make them more accessible for us. We can prepare for the Sunday Readings through prayerful meditation, for example by practicing Lectio Divina. I lead this every week and if you want, you can participate in it any time that suits you through our diocesan Website or Facebook page. Other ways of deepening our understanding of the Scriptures include praying the Divine Office, the Rosary and the Stations of the Cross. So today as we focus on the value of Scripture let us be encouraged to increasingly centre our lives on God’s Word. May you be greatly blessed through the Word of God, +Brian